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Tactical Shotgun
Tactical Shotgun
-Image © Zynga
Type Weapons
Quality Common Common
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 3
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 2
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 5
Loot From Collect on a Loan (Associate Tier)
Source Loot:New York
Subtypes Shotgun
Giftable Giftable Giftable
Franchi SPAS-12
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Date Events
? Loot:New York
Jobs where the Tactical Shotgun is needed.
Job Title Rank Loot Needed
Clip the Irish Mob's Local Enforcer Soldier 2
Flip a Snitch Capo 1

Tactical Shotgun may also be received through the Free Gift Program.


This Shotgun is a SPAS-12 semi-automatic shotgun with a carrying handle.


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Tactical Shotgun
Tactical Shotgun
-Image © Zynga
Available On Facebook September 26, 2011
Type Weapons
Quality Superior Superior
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 78
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 68
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 146
Source Mafia Wars 3 Year Anniversary
Subtypes Shotgun
Date Events
September 26, 2011 Mafia Wars 3 Year Anniversary
Huge item tacticalshotgun bronze 01
