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Mega Casino


Mogul - $900,000/3 hours
Maniac - $300,000 every hour

Cost: $40,000,000 + ($4,000,000 * (Number of Mega Casino's owned prior to purchase))

Protection Cost: $7,200,000

Built On: Prime Downtown Lot

Return: $7,200,000 per day

Protection Cost: (Cost of next Mega Casino * .1)

Repair Cost: (Cost of next Mega Casino/4) * (damage level) {ie 70% damaged *.7}

The achievement Cashing Out can be unlocked through selling 50 Mega Casinos.

Buying strategy

It is pointless to wait until one has enough cash to buy 10 Mega Casinos to actually buy them. Until one has about 20 casinos, it is actually harmful.


  • Cost to buy 1 = $40,000,000 + ($4,000,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase))
  • Income to buy 1 = $7,200,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase) /day
  • Time to buy 1 more = Cost / Income

For a big number of Casinos, the fix part of the price can be ignored. The formula becomes:

  • Time to buy 1 more = ($4,000,000 * (Number of Casinos owned))/($7,200,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase))= 0.5555555 days = t1

We see that for any large number of already owned casinos, the time to buy the next is not significantly dependent of the number, is is almost constant.

This does not change if one buys the by 10:

  • Cost to buy 10 = 10*($40,000,000 + ($4,000,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase)))
  • Income to buy 10 more = $7,200,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase) /day
  • Time to buy 10 more = Cost / Income = 10*($4,000,000 * (Number of Casinos owned))/($7,200,000 * (Number of Casinos owned prior to purchase))=10*0.5555555 days = t10

Now the time to buy 1 more 10 successive times is also 10 * t1 = t10.

So if you have lots of casinos, buying them by 10 is pointless at best.

What about small values ? I'll give the most extreme case. You've got one casino, income 7.2m, you'll need 6.25 days to buy the 44m casino #2 and then with your 14.4m income, you'll need 3.4 days to be able to buy #3 at 53m and so on. By the time you can buy #11, you've spent 22.23 days. If you'd gently waited until you had enough cash to by #2 - #11 it would have cost you 62.5 days. This is because for low values of the "time to buy" formula, first order can be neglected compared to the 0th order terms. And there, t10 is actually also 10*t==t1, but with a very high t1 that doesn't soon get a chance to reach lower values.

Hybrid formulas (starting to buy by 1 until t1 gets lower, then swap to buy by 10) are not gainful, they fit between the two curves.

Cash purchase advantage

There is another advantage in buying by one: you can buy cash, just after collecting. If you were buying by 10, you'd have to spend 10% in money laundering while waiting to have enough cash.

We have seen that t1=0.5555555 days. Mafia wars allows you to store up to one day of production. This means that if you can play often, you can let your production linger for exactly enough time to have enough money to buy without storing and laundering money. Ideally, you should play every 24h, do some jobs to have twice (0th order term negligible) the price of a casino after production collection, then buy two casinos a day, without using the bank.