Mafia Wars Wiki
Item Garbage Man-04
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-Image © Zynga
Available On Facebook January 7, 2010
Type Henchmen
Quality Common Common
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 15
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 25
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 40
Source Limited Time:Special Shipment
Loot Suggestion Contest
Subtypes Body , Ballistic
Giftable Giftable Giftable
Ivan Drago
Wikipedia has an article about:
Mw wishlist-feed 90x90
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Date Events
January 7, 2010 Limited Time:$10,000 (myspace)
January 7, 2010 Limited Time:Special Shipment (Facebook)

Loot Suggestion Contest

  • It is rumored that the release of "Drago" symbolized that Moscow loot could now drop from fights.

Newsfeed Image[]

White big item drago 01
