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Big Blind
Big Blind
-Image © Zynga
Available On Facebook June 25, 2010
Type Weapons
Quality Rare Rare
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 52
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 25
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 77
Source Las Vegas Loot Event
Vegas Jackpot Weekend
Subtypes Handgun
Giftable Giftable Giftable
Date Events
June 25, 2010 Las Vegas Loot Event
July 16, 2010 Vegas Jackpot Weekend

Hi-res Image[]

Huge item bigblind 01

This is a near fully customized pistol. The handle is based of the Red 9 pistol. The weapon itself is peculiar in its design as it appears to lack a slide, which would indicate that the weapon is incapable of cycling between rounds. In addition, there does not even seem to contain a port where ammunition can be inserted.

Big Blind
